Developmental Milestones Checklist

Children follow a sequential pattern in their physical and mental development, but the pace of progress varies for each individual.
For children with Down syndrome, developmental milestones are typically achieved at a slower rate than in typically developing children. The table below provides a reference for comparing the developmental milestones of typically developing children with those of children with Down syndrome.

Gross Motor Skills (Locomotion)
Developmental Milestone Age Range (Typically Developing Children) Age Range (Children with Down Syndrome)
Holding head steady when picked up 1–4 months 3–9 months (average 5 months)
Rolling over independently 2–10 months 4–12 months (average 8 months)
Sitting up independently without support 5–9 months 6–16 months (average 9 months)
Standing independently without support    5–9 months 12–38 months (average 18 months)
Walking independently without support 9–17 months 13–48 months (average 23 months)
Walking up stairs with assistance    12–24 months 20–48 months (average 30 months)
Walking down stairs with assistance 13–24 months 24 months–5+years (average 36 months)
Running Around 2 years Around 4 years
Riding a tricycle Around 3 years Around 5 years
Fine Motor Skills (Hand-Eye Coordination)
Developmental Milestone Age Range (Typically Developing Children) Age Range (Children with Down Syndrome)
Tracking objects with their eyes 1–3 months 1.5–6 months (average 3 months)
Reaching for and grasping a rattle  2–6 months 4–11 months (average 6 months)
Transferring objects between hands 4–8 months 6–12 months (average 8 months)
Stacking two blocks (approx. 2.5 cm each) 10–19 months 14–32 months (average 20 months)
Imitating drawing a circle 24–40 months 36–60 months
Communication Skills
Developmental Milestone Age Range (Typically Developing Children) Age Range (Children with Down Syndrome)
Turning head toward the sound of speech 2–6 months 3–8 months (average 6 months)
Babbling with repetitive sounds (e.g., "ba-ba ma-ma") 5–14 months 7–18 months (average 11 months)
Responding to familiar words 5–14 months 10–18 months (average 13 months)
Saying the first meaningful word 10–23 months 13–36 months (average 18 months)
Using gestures to express needs 11–19 months 14–30 months (average 22 months)
Forming two-word phrases 15–32 months 18 months–5+years (average 30 months)
Social and Self-Care Skills
Developmental Milestone Age Range (Typically Developing Children) Age Range (Children with Down Syndrome)
Smiling in response to interaction 1–2 months 1.5–4 months (average 2 months)
Recognizing mother or father 1–5 months 3–6 months (average 3.5 months)
Feeding themselves a cookie 4–10 months 6–14 months (average 10 months)
Drinking from a cup 9–17 months 12–30 months (average 20 months)
Staying dry during the day without diapers 14–36 months 18 months–4+years (average 36 months)
Controlling bowel and bladder functions  16–48 months 20 months–5+years (average 36 months)
Dressing and undressing without buttons Around 3 years Around 4–5 years